Friday, November 7, 2008

Mornin' Chores on the Farm (E I E I O)

Now that the water has been shut down, my mornings aren't as hectic. I almost look forward to my barn animal greetings. And look at the pretty sky this morning... I missed the good part while I ran back in the house for my camera.
"Big" and "Mac" are the two we are fatting up for butchering (I could think of some other terms, but I saved you the visual) Poor guys, just waiting for their feeding each day. They think they are something special getting corn and hay while the other cows just get to chew on any grass they can find. Notice the corn in his nose.
Yeah, you'd love to see how he cleans up afterwards.. (that is not a good visual.. you'd never know that a cows tongue was so long)

While they are eating their corn I fill up their water trough. The other cows have the whole pond to drink from (Sooner than I'd like to think... I'll be chopping the ice so they can get to their H20.

Thank goodness the pond hasn't frozen over (I'm sure in time I'll be showing you what I mean).

When the cows are done, I give them their hay. Yum, Yum... The other cows are mooing on the other side of the fence. Every morning I try to explain to them that if they only knew why their 2 friends get the special treatment.. they would keep far away from me. Thought you'd enjoy seeing what I'm talking about.

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