Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just Whistle While You Work!!!

What did you do you on Saturday?
Well, Bob has been itching to build a wall in the barn.
Each hay season the man with the stacker (too bad I don't know what kind of truck it is.. but it is an amazing truck) suggests it would be a good idea for him to have a wall to stack the hay next too. So, with a stack of old pieces of fence, we (Bob, I should say) started the process.
Derek and I would go retrieve a good enough piece of wood, bring it to the barn, and go back for another. We picked out 22 pieces. While we were getting the wood, Bob was sawing the ends off.

It was such a nice sunny day (I did have my thoughts on something more relaxing), thank goodness for nice weather. I wore a coat to protect me from slivers, dirt, bugs, paint chips... The whole time the cows were totally confused. The mooing was non-stop. The only time they see me is to feed them ("Bad farmer wife" they were thinking).
Finally it was time to build the wall.
I would stand on my tip toes with my arms stretched as high as I could. Bob would hammer his side up first, then come to my end. Can I just tell you, I did not like the things that must have been sprinkling in my hair with each bang of the hammer. (Hum.. now I know why Bob was doing the hammering) Yes, dirt, bugs, paint chips.. who knows what else. By the time we got to the bottom, I was practically laying down to hold up the board. The wall got up and we were happy with our accomplishment. I suggested painting the boards or staining them (I did it just to see Bob's reaction.. he didn't appreciate it) Now I can't wait for Mr. Stacker/Hayer man to come next season and see what we added to the barn. He'll appreciate not hearing me screaming and yelling "I think the stack you just layed down looks like it may crumble"
Now.. if I could only learn to whistle, it would have been a pleasant day!

1 comment:

bledsoeblog said...

AMAZING mom! You are simply amazing!