Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy "70th" Birthday Uncle Kent!!!

Sweet Aunt Janice planned a little surprise party for my uncle who is turning "70". He swears he is only 55 which would make him 5 years older than me... I can't imagine that... Yes, he looks great for his age, but I'd say he wasn't younger than my dear husband Bob.
Anyway, Derek just played Happy Birthday on the Piano for Uncle Kent and the Party guests. I was thinking of all the fun summers I spent in Reno with my grandparents and Uncle Kent & Janice. Uncle Kent taught me how to water ski. It comes to know surprise to any of you that I'm not what you call the "athletic type" but I try.
So this year, just to prove that I could remember, and to give my hats off to Uncle Kent for being a great teacher, I got up on the ski's. (Oh did I mention that my Uncle Kent is a world champion?) Yes, I actually crossed over the wake. Just so Kent believes me, I will post a few of these really "fine" pictures. The youth went on their annual water ski trip, so I took Derek (which he loved riding in the boats and swimming in the lake)and we joined the kids. I think the boys in the boat weren't sure that I was going to get up (they had to dust off the 2 ski's since they only use wake boards).Here's to you Uncle Kent!!! Happy Birthday and many more birthdays to come!!!

1 comment:

bledsoeblog said...

Yea mom! Better than I can do!