Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It's WAR!!!

We had a few minutes to spare while waiting to do the irrigation, so we got out the cards and Derek played War with dad and then with mom!  Dad won, then Derek won.

While Derek and I were in Sisters, Dad put together 4 quite difficult puzzles.
They are getting excited about the family reunion coming up.
Dad will appreciate California's warm temperatures.  He's pretty much bundled up here, today's high was maybe 68 degrees.
We read the new way to cook corn on the cob.. WOW, it worked amazing for mom.  Thanks Bob & Aunt Donna! Nothing on the corn but corn!!!

It's after 11:00p.m. and mom was in reading dad a bedtime story.  Derek and I went to the library today (Always on Tuesdays), and picked up a child's book about How they Built the Empire State Building. Mom was interested, so she decided to read it to him before she turned out the lights. 
Mom is concerned with all the fires going on in Utah.  You know fire & heat is not good for the Elderly, one more reason they need to stay here!

1 comment:

SJacobus said...

Have you tried grilling it on the bbq while still in the husk?