Sunday, July 8, 2012

We LOVE the noise LEVEL!!!

Before the Bledsoe's arrived, mom got her hair done.  She seems to like the ladies at the shop, and wow.. 45 minutes she is in and out.  Dad, Derek and I ran and took care of some errands, and made it back just in time.
(I just so happened to have my camera in the car.  I thought I'd shoot a picture of mom after the appointments.. Hum.. I should have done a before and after.  Mom complains about the wind... it does a number on her hair!)

With Trey & Tian here, the noise level goes up a notch or two, but I can tell that mom and dad enjoy having the boys here.
With Bob driving, they all jumped inside the Ranger and did the irrigation, checked out the cows and checked the level of the pond.  Dad loves being out with "the girls"  (That would be the cows).
Mom is a trooper and is found doing the dishes.  I told dad that I felt bad that mom was left after most dinners to tend to the dishes... he said, "Oh, she doesn't mind!"
 (I personally think she'd rather be inside safe, than outside "jeepin" it!)

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