Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Love You Bob

Before I had time to go out to my car to get my Chick-0-Stick...
Bob included a large one in my Valentines gift. Besides flowers and a box of kisses... I was so excited to open a Spa W gift certificate. The spa treatment is called "Wrapsody 5 glorious hours."
Ohh, do I love Valentines Day! We are trying to teach Derek to take pictures. If Trey can do it.. certainly Derek can learn. Try and see which photo Derek took. It's fun having my dad here so he can take the pictures of the two of us! There are so few pictures of Bob on my blog, some of you may wonder what he even looks like. I hope you all are having a great Valentines Day. Got to go, I hear Bob calling he's got lunch is ready. I am truly spoiled!


The Godell Family said...

I love that in your last few posts you are eating candy in almost every one. You had better get that in while you can. The 15th will be here tomorrow!

bledsoeblog said...

Dad is so sweet! I can't wait to hear about your Spa Adventure! They seem to be so sweet!