Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Happy Birthday...Way to go Idaho!!!"

Summer was one of Derek's first tutors. Oh, did we love her, and still do! Summer went through the very beginning with us. Derek wasn't even talking, only making a few sounds. Summer went to California with Derek and I to get some training, she was our head tutor and she helped things get rolling. Summer's favorite thing to say when Derek got things right was "Way to go Idaho." We remember she came to work the day after she had "hardware" taken out of her leg. She sat on the piano bench and worked for 2 hours, heavily medicated and probably in pain as well.
Summer has since moved on. She went to college, has many degrees in sign language. She is even teaching the Dave Ramsey Money Management Course. She lives in Texas with her beautiful son Riker and husband Erik. It was fun to call her today to wish her a Happy Birthday. Derek played Happy Birthday for her on the piano, and then he played the song that Summer sang all the time "You are my SunShine." Here's to you Summer.

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