Friday, October 24, 2008

Busy, Busy Thursdays

I grabbed my camera and set out to document our day. Well at least from 1:15 when school starts till we say bye to Felicity at the Athletic Club at 5:15.

We met Gina at school and Derek went off to PE.
While they were there I met Carol Godell (my 70 year old walking partner... you'd never know she was that old)
We walked the Butte (1 LONG mile up, 1 mile down).
at 2:45 the bell rings... school is over, I hurry back to school to pick up Derek.

We buzzed on over to Carol & Terry Virgin's for our Thursday Junk Mail Pick up. Derek loves going to their house because. Besides the mail he also gets a can of pop and asks to use their bathroom. Don't ask me why he loves using it.

Derek had earned a donut at Erickson's Sentry Market, (In PE they had walked 4 miles) so we headed that way next. Glazed donuts are his favorites (the donuts with sprinkles looked sooooo good, but I had just walked the Butte and thought I'd better pass).
We then hurried down town to the library and to Kelly's Shoe Store (another of Derek's tutors)to say Hi. Kelly has so many jobs, and because of that we don't see her every day, but love going in for a quick little visit... oh yes, and Derek loves getting a cup of water out of the water cooler.
The library is our last stop. Derek goes for the video's and DVDs first (Arthur, Thomas Tank Engine, Clifford, ...anything PBS) and then the books.
Derek uses the self check out counter (You'd be impressed at how he can get his card out, put it in the machine things, and checks out all his books and video's one by one)
Then we rush back to the car and in record time get to the Athletic Club to meet up with Felicity (another tutor).

Derek starts with swimming (loves diving for rings), and the hot tub.

Then he is off to the basketball court.

Last is the rock wall which is his favorite thing to do. He is impressive.

After saying good bye to Felicity we treat ourselves to Little Ce sears Pizza (It used to be Del Taco..I'm all for the change).
That is it! Amazing how much Derek loves doing. And I remember the days when I thought I'd never take him out in public. He's come a LONG way!


bledsoeblog said...

Mom, I don't know how you do it all! You are amazing!

jebandjenn simpson family said...

I second what Rebecca said I don't know how you do it all!! you are serioiusly super women...cause we all know besides taking care of Derek you have so many others that you help and do stuff for! like make Austin a treat bag for the trip home which he loved. Thank you!!