Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How this Blog got started...

I'm sitting here struggling how to start this Blog.
You all thought I was Blog literate... but you thought wrong. My cute, adorable, and very clever daughter started my blog for me for an anniversary gift.
So all the pictures, and nice sayings was all from Becca. Yup... it was her!
Now, I'm sitting here figuring out how this is all suppose to go.
I have a few minutes but so many questions on how to make things work. Rebecca... why aren't you answering your phone??? Help.
I'll get it soon.
So all the nice comments and phone calls on my blog.. send them to Rebecca.
Love you Bec!!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

This is so cute! You are doing a fabulous job Jill, keep it coming.