Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's not the same without Mom & Dad

We were so fortunate to have mom and dad here for most of the summer. Besides their company, they are so helpful in sooooooo many ways. Just yesterday Derek said, "Mom is washing the sink". It was if he hadn't seen me do that for such a long time. My mom was pretty much my housekeeper, and cook, and planner and organizer. We all have those Tupperware cupboards that are in disarray.. not me any longer. While my parents were here I had several dinners and funeral luncheons to plan for.. she, being a 2 time Relief Society President came to my rescue. Thanks MOM.

Dad was such a part of our ward (and everyone of course loves my mom), he taught Priesthood several times, sang in sacrament meeting at a missionary farewell, and sang in the ward choir. My mornings are not the same without Dad up and at 'em helping me with the cows and the irrigation. Dad loves the cows and came to help watch them (long story with the AI situation.. and the AI doesn't stand for American Idol). We had a great system in the mornings and at night, which cut my time down quite a bit. On some evenings when I was out with Derek on a field trip, dad would get started without me, which made for an early night. Now it's very boring and the cows aren't getting any attention from me as I try and drive past them on the 6-wheeler. Dad would stop to say "Hi, you pretty girl" as for me, I just give them a honk and I yell "Out of the way".
Bob appreciated Dad being here and used him during the weekends with all the "chores" that there will always be.

You'll love the pictures of dad. Yes he is wearing a farming hat (Much to his disapproval), that mom insisted he wear. Notice the coveralls also.
Hurry back mom and dad!

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