Monday, August 17, 2009

Another "burr"... morning

I was up early on Saturday. Our church here in Bend has a "Great Give Away". It has grown every year. It's a huge "free" garage sale type event. Everyone brings their items (clothing, housewares, furniture)two days before, and than on Saturday it is already to go. It is a fabulous event for our community. The line was incredibly long until the doors were opened. I was there to help, but it seemed like the "race was on" and people pretty much found what they wanted.
This isn't why I blogged this post.. the post was to say how cold it was. My little Bob Shaw weatherman on the counter didn't show the outside weather (Maybe he was still asleep since he is working the 11:00 news now), but when I got going in my car I had to stop, take out my camera and shoot the temperature. Yes, it was cold! But now this week we are suppose to have 90 degree weather (No, I didn't see or hear about it on the weather channel. I heard about it on the local rock and roll radio station).
Yes, we live in Bend, Oregon.
(Kent, in case you were wondering, my car is a 2003 Suzuki Grand Vitara XL.7 and it has 90,780 miles on it currently.. about the gas mileage.. humm, I wouldn't know)

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