Tuesday, March 30, 2010

THEIR Back!!!

We are so excited that the Clawson's have moved back!
We've missed them! (Their Junk Mail, Pit Games and A Breakdown in Snowville are some memories we had while they were here)
They had cutie-patudy Emily while they were gone. We can't wait to get to know her. I was so happy to "babysit" Ben & Emily while Alisha got Hannah all squared away at school.
Ben was as cute and helpful as could be and Emily slept on my shoulder the entire time. Anytime Alisha!!! I'm happy to help.


Clawson Family said...

We're back! I am so happy, and excited to make some new memories. Thanks again for being my "go-to" person! You're the best!

sauter signs off said...

Alisha, I looked like I was the one that had been up all night with Emily... Wow, not a good shot, but it sure was fun sitting there relaxing with Emily and having fun conversations with Ben.