Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our newest member!

Thursdays are usually our busiest days, and today was just as crazy.
Derek and I took a aerobic swimming class with Jen, We took Dinner to the Clawson family (Hip hip hooray, they are back), Junk Mail and a visit to the Virgins, Returned and Checked out books and videos, then back to the Athletic club for our real swimming, and the rock wall.. oh yeah, and Carl's Junior. I was ready for the day to be done... but after checking our voice mail, there was exciting news. Our neighbor Deborah had a minute to pause today (Unlike me) and noticed our first calf was born. Number 10 had a cute little calf today. I was excited to go out and feed the herd and get some close ups of the little guy/gal. It wasn't wobbly at all, and wanted to be near her mom when the mom left to go get hay (dumb mom, I was taking hay to her, but she was too anxious to eat with the others). The cute baby walked over to one of the piles of hay and just sat down in it. Enjoy the pictures. These are for you Bob and Dad.

This brown was a calf we had last year, I can tell already that they are going to be friends!


Clawson Family said...

What a cutie! Can't wait to come see it!

bledsoeblog said...

AHHHHH, I will have to show Trey! Maybe he could ride this one when we come to visit next! Just a thought!