Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Houdini lives in our field!

Another new calf. If you didn't keep track last year, we only had 3 calves out of 12 possibilities. The bull had issues that I won't get into. (We now own our own bull) So we are excited to have any additions this year. This newest one is an escape artist. Yesterday after Derek's team meeting I went out to feed the "Herd" and found a little calf mixed in with the moms. (We have the soon to deliver, and new moms in a different area)I thought.. Oh, great, a new one that we didn't know about... Wrong.. this calf got through a little opening (Still not sure where) and wouldn't cooperate with me to go join her mom. The mom was pacing, and I was not sure how I was going to pick up the calf, and open up the fence to reunite the two. The weakling that I am called the cute teen-ager up the street to come to the rescue. I wish I had taken a picture of Cameron with my big boots on (He was wearing skinny jeans) and my old coat. He still would be a knock out for any young teen-age 16 year old girl. He had no problem getting it in with it's mom. Yes, I felt like a dork, but better safe (Not to let the mom's out in the meantime)to have not tried to do it on my own. Thanks Alina for loaning me your son!
I think we will call this calf Houdini!

And "Vet" Bob was here to give the shot. I WILL not do that (Knock on Wood)! Humm, Alina, I'm wondering if Cameron would be up for that if we have another calf born before Bob gets home.

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