Saturday, December 12, 2009

What we did Thanksgiving Weekend

It all started with a trip to the Central Oregon Livestock Action... It was time for Poor Number 9 to meet his death. After that, it was all fun and games!
Rebecca, Justin and the boys got here on Sunday night. Our house comes alive when the 4 of them come to visit. Trey loves hanging out with Derek, and Tian tries to keep up!

While they were here, we went to the Reindeer Farm. All these years of living here, we hadn't a clue it existed. Larissa & her family & Abbey and her family joined us. It was fun just trying to get close to them. Most of the herd were already "checked out" making appearances. I guess they are rented out a lot at this time of year. But we are able to say we saw them, and had fun being together.
Robert came along, and stayed over. The noise level raises with Uncle Robert around. The boys couldn't get enough of him.
We had Thanksgiving on Wed. since the Bledsoes had to head back to Idaho on Thursday. While the turkey was cooking (oops, who turned off the oven) we went to the snow. (As I'm typing this, I'm looking out at our fields that are covered in snow), but last month we had to travel to find it. We hooked up our trailor with the 4 and 6 wheelers, and some little sleds and went to Lava Butte to play in the snow.When Rebecca wasn't taking photo's she was having fun with the guys.

The boys love "GrandpaBend" He makes for a fun time. He can't wait for
Christmas so we can have some more fun! We are counting down days!

1 comment:

bledsoeblog said...

You have officially passed my blogging upkeep! We had the greatest time with you and can't wait until next Saturday! Bend or Bust!