Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hay.. this is for you dad!

We had a crazy growing season this year. Mother Nature played tricks on us with the cold, than the heat, and than the hotest 2 weeks without water (that wasn't Mother Nature's fault, it was Arnold Irrigations deal). But, finally (I love it when I don't have to start up the ol' wheel line so the grass can dry out)it was time.
Even with all the tricks, we still were able to produce 512 bails of hay. I think it was a record number. I know you aren't excited, this is for my dad who wishes he was here during this haying season.


bledsoeblog said...

DON'T LET DAD FALL FROM THOSE 512 BAIL OF HAY!!!! Just what he doesn't need the moment he retires!

sauter signs off said...

That's for sure Rebecca. That last fall was bad enough!