Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Winter Time!

A quick update...

Wow, it's been since October that I've posted on this blog. Busy, Busy, BUSY!
In November my parents came to stay. They left the first week of February.
It was so nice having them here. Dad loves being with the cows, and we were happy that a two calves were born while he was here.

And I love having mom here doing my cleaning, cooking and calendaring! Although she did takes dad's place at the gate while dad was recooperating from an injury!

Mom enjoyed watching ALL the animals around our place. She had her camera close by, just in case!

I drove mom and dad as far as Idaho, and sweet Kellen & Shanna Mae met me there and took them the rest of the way. Shanna Mae is adorable (Kellen as well) and we can't wait for their baby to be born!

Thanksgiving was quiet, but nice.
Christmas was GREAT having the Bledsoe's here. I tell you, having children in your home for the holidays makes all the difference!

Now for our winter. It just keeps on coming. We did have a quiet spell where Derek and I went up the Butte, but how quickly the snow came back.

Even though I'm a warm temperature gal, I braved the cold and along with tutor Heather, we took Derek cross country skiing. Derek wasn't too thrilled with it, but it was an adventure.

Then, since the snow kept coming, Gina brought over her snow shoes and we made some serious tracks around the property.

It was good practice for the "Snow Shoe Shuffle"at Hoodoo ski resort. Tutor Ashley and her husband and some other sponsors put on the event. It was a "race" in the dark. We were given glow bracelets and we wore head lamps. Wow, did we warm up. The race was a 4k which is a little over 2miles. It was a lot of fun. We were given goody bags, and some (BOB) got prizes. Bob won the 60 and older age group. We are looking into buying some snow shoes. It's a great work out!

Our fun new hats! Thanks Ashley &
(Derek really did have fun!)

Well, that is enough for right now! I promise to be more faithful! It's just easy to keep posting on Facebook, but not all my family and friends are Facebook members.
So, enjoy for now!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

So much going on!!! Very fun!!! Too much to comment on hehe. I have one thing but I'll call you about it ;)