Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Taylor + Marley = Olivia Jane Sauter

Many of you know that Taylor has a beautiful wife Marley. They met in LaGrande while Taylor was/is going to school.
Marley comes from a wonderful family and we are happy to have her in our family.

September 2nd they were blessed with their first child Olivia Jane.
What a sweet little thing she is.

They call her their little monkey. Well, let me tell you, she is much cuter than a monkey, and much sweeter than any monkey I've ever seen.

We were so lucky to have Taylor, Marley and Olivia here for the weekend. Holding a playing with a baby is so relaxing, one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. While Taylor and Marley went to the Bend Fall Festival, Bob and I had fun babysitting (Derek didn't seem interested)

Bob couldn't wait to get home to have his time with Olivia. She snuggled in his arms, then down on his lap and slept and slept(I don't remember our kids sleeping this much.. lucky parents Olivia has).

This Sunday Olivia will be blessed in the LaGrande ward. Can't wait to make the drive over and see her and Taylor and Marley again.


Nancy said...

she's very cute Jill :) Aren't you a cute grandma as well! I like the last one with Bob and Olivia :)

Ogden Family said...

I found your blog and it was fun to catch up on your family. Your newest granddaughter is so beautiful. What fun times to have your kids growing up and bringing new babies into your home. Hope all is well with your family. Our family blog is: if you want to take a peek at our craziness.
Heather Ogden