Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Uncle Dee's Birthday Weekend!

The week after Kellen's wedding (July 17th)we all headed (well, not all of us, but I represented the Sauter family) to California for my Uncle Dee's 80th birthday party.
(Actually he turned 75 but it seemed like we heard about it for 5 years, so that is why I said 80.. (sorry Dee, I didn't roast you at the party, so now is my time).
My sister and I flew into Oakland, California and headed straight to Alta & Dee's house for a very yummy family Mexican Fiesta!!! Most of the relatives were there. Some I hadn't seen for such a long time. (Sorry Karl I mixed you up with Joann's son Jason, or did I call you Jordan?)

My sister and I stayed in Pleasant Hill (The first city Bob and I ever lived in as a married couple), and had fun 2 nights slumber partying!
The on Saturday we went to the Oakland Temple Visitor's Center. Our Niece (Mark's daughter) is on a mission in Oakland, Spanish Speaking. We heard she might be at the Visitors Center, and she was. The tears started coming even before the other missionary went to go find her. I think we did a good job surprising Meisha (I should say Sister Slight) My parents (Her grandparents) were there as well. We gave her a lot of hugs as she took us around the Center.

One of the highlights of our weekend was going to our good friend "Uncle Chris's" house. This house is amazing. Chris is amazing. I don't know if I know anyone who has such talent. His stained glass artwork is the best (Probably) in the country.
His current house was built on the same property in which his old house burned down in the Oakland Hills fire (sorry, can't remember the year), along with hundreds of other homes. Everything in the house amazed me. The views were breath taking. The family knows I'm not big on scenery, but I could sit out on one of his courtyards and take in the beauty for hours! Thanks Chris for the tour!

Later that night was the big birthday bash. The restaurant was the finest around, Zio Fraedo's. The meal was served beautifully, and so tasty! Uncle Kent was the hit of the night (Along with Chris' Ode) with the roast. Dee wanted to be roasted (Why, I'm not sure) and he sure was! WE laughed and laughed at the stories people had to share! Dee has a ton of great friends. I do believe there were 75 of us in attendance. Dee paid the bill for the whole affair! Dee and I have always shared the same birthday. What a fun way to spend my birthday as well.
And the best part was learning that we will all be celebrating Dee's 80th birthday on a cruise. "My bags are packed, I'm ready to go!!!"

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