Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Donna!!!

I have an Aunt Donna. She is my mother's only sister. I can truthfully say that she is the most favorite true Aunt I have!!! She once said that if Arnold Schwarzenegger was made Governor of California, she would move to Bend, Oregon.. It didn't happen. Bob brought me home these flowers and I said "Oh, too bad Donna wasn't here living in Bend, Oregon, we would let her share in my beautiful bouquet on her birthday" So, I'll enjoy them by myself Donna! There are several years between us, but I feel that she is a very good friend! She cares about me and she cares about my family. We have many things in common. I'm making a "Top 5 List" of some of my memories. 1. We spent a Christmas in a chalet' in Park City. My sister and I were so anxious and excited about Santa coming that we just couldn't calm down. My aunt got up from wherever she was and jumped in bed with us and talked about hearing Santa on the rooftop and how we had better hurry to sleep before he would come down the chimney. Those that know my Aunt know that she needs and LOVES her sleep. We got snowed in on that vacation and remember it as one of our families best Christmas's ever. 2. When I was a Junior in High School our family went to Los Angeles where Donna was living (and still does)and spent Thanksgiving watching the Thanksgiving Day parade. I've loved parades ever since. Also on that trip she planned an outing where I was to get my haircut. The hairdresser was famous for cutting some "stars" hair. Oh, I felt like a movie star myself walking out afterwards. 3. After 911 we had more things to talk about. Those events changed Aunt Donna's life, and her life as well as mine have been blessed! 4. The last big birthday party we had for Donna was suppose to be a surprise. But it's hard to keep surprises from her. Donna pretty much guessed it, but we sure had a fun time all dressed in the "Old Ladies" purple shirts and red hats. Donna is definitely not an old lady! 5. We enjoy t.v. shows together.. We call at the commercials. A.Idol, DWTStars and 3 other shows that I won't mention, (one that I have boycotted). She reminds me that these shows(Not the reality ones) are only make believe and they really aren't happening (Thanks Donna for those reminders!) Several years ago I had a sad time in my life (yes it is true). I remember driving back to Bend in my car and crying uncontrollably. I tried calling Bob, and got no answer, I tried Rebecca, my parents... no connection at all. I knew I needed to talk to someone, so I called Donna. For some reason the call went through. I tried so hard to talk without her knowing how sad I was. She asked me a couple time to pull off the road so I could gain control (it wasn't that bad, but it must have sounded that way). For some reason it made me laugh, and calmed me down. Thank you Donna. You probably can't remember, but I do, and it made a big difference! We hope you have a Happy Birthday! Consider this your card! I knew it was your big day, but didn't get a card out in time! We love you! Can't wait to see you this summer!

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