Saturday, January 16, 2010

What we did on our Christmas Vacation!

I'm so behind in my postings! When I read Rebecca's blog, I should just say dido! Check hers out, scroll down to the Christmas happenings!
But for my own records, I'll add a bit to it (This blog is going to be made into a journal bound book, thanks Mindy for the idea! You'll be over here helping me when it happens!).
Just having the Bledsoes here is such a treat!
They just make me smile! Tian was a little sad this time, quite sick, and only wanted momBut when we took them to "Bouncing Off the Wall" WOW, he certainly perked up. Derek had fun seeing who was the fastest on the slide. Derek is such a tropper..

Robert joined us and had fun hanging out with the boys as well!
Christmas morning is so fun with a 4 year old and 1 year old.
Trey got so excited about everything... even a sweat band for Grandpa!

We had a lot of fun decorating cookies for Santa the night before (Thank you Satu for the Gingerbread kit), Santa and all his elves enjoyed the treats!

Wow, I'm so going out of order. One of the best gifts Rebecca and I got came a few days before Christmas. Bob arranged the two of us to spend the day at SPA W.

The boys were all safe and happy with the men in charge (and a tutor came to work with Derek.. thanks Jen). Most of the time we were apart, but just knowing Rebecca was down the hall having her facial, or her body scrub, made the day so fun. Before our pedicures they served us lunch. (Please be aware, we had just had massages, facials, body scrubs... including our hair.. before seeing these pictures)Oh, and notice the bruise on Rebecca's foot. She came in contact with their garage door.. she has a black toenail too, but the bright, Christmas Red police we chose covered it up.

We came away so relaxed. That ended quickly that night for Rebecca when Tian was so sad and upset that she and Bob spent from 3-5:00a.m. driving around Bend trying to get Tian to calm down and sleep. (Hum.. I remember those days about 30 years ago)
It's always so sad to see them leave.
(If you look closely, Trey is probably checking out his stash of candy in his pockets, making sure he had enough for the ride home!)

After we say our goodbye's and one last trip on the 4 wheeler it is ... so quiet.. so lonely! But then I find reminders all around the house that they had been here, and it makes me smile.
I found starburst wrappers under Derek's bed, rolled up stickers stuck to the bottom of my sock, a whistle in my make up bag, and a cute little white sock mixed up with my underwear coming out of the dryer! Hurry back Bledsoes's!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

love this post. :) So fun. Someday I'll do a spa day with you? Maybe, we'll see. You're such a good grandma and mom. I'm always so impressed.