Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fun with Phyllis

We have a friend named Phyllis. The Heinrich's introduced us to her. What a nice, smart, caring person she is. We especially like her because she loves Derek. She is so kind to him. She also is thinking about Derek and what she can do to help me help him. She is so complimentary on the way Derek acts (If she only could have seen him during the hard years with him). She invited us over for dinner last week. She made Derek the judge of all the different choices she had planned. She made 2 different kinds of Macaroni & Cheese, 3 different kinds of ice cream as well.
You have to know this about Phyllis, she knows food. She wrote a cookbook. She specializes in healthy cooking. I loved the Eggplant dish she prepared. It was a very relaxing evening. Derek had a good time and I was able to enjoy myself as well.
She knows Derek loves pop, and usually has one waiting to take home (Specialty pop, not the type we buy). Thank you Phyllis! Dinner was wonderful!!!

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