Friday, April 10, 2009

Mom/Grandma is at the gym!!!

Bob has had his eye on some gym equipment for our home. He couldn't pass up a "Sale" weekend at Sears. They delivered the merchandise on a Friday. My parents are here and we spent that night looking at the instruction books, wondering if we could figure out all the "bells & whistles" of each machine. The next morning Bob and I got up after my dad (Bless my dad's heart, he has been feeding the cows since he arrived the last week of January.. he loves it) had done "our" chores. Then in walked mom from outside, still in her housecoat and pj's. We asked "Where have you been?" She walked over to the counter and said "Didn't you read my note?" Above is what it said.
After I decided to do this blog, I had to go through the garbage to retrieve the note.. (Mom had crossed it off, like it was first on her list of things to do that morning.
Way to go mom! She goes out most every morning and spends time on 3 of the machines. She isn't sure about the treadmill, I give her time. This week I snuck out and took her pictures. She didn't appreciate it, but I said (And I quote from Alisha) "It's all for the name of the blog. "Keep it up MOM!!

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