Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tae Kwon Do

Sorry, there is no way I could change the video from being on it's side.. Just be glad I could do this!
Real Quick!
You know Derek has been participating in a GREAT program in Sisters.
Master K of Outlaw Martial Arts has a program for all ages, he opens it up on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the Sisters School district special ed students. Derek gets to join in. We don't mind the drive, it is all worth it.
Derek is the STAR of the class.. well, that is coming from me, his biggest fan. He loves it and has advanced so far!
It came to my attention that the program was featured in the Sisters Newspaper. I'll put the website here. Derek is the taller one closest to the window!


Gina said...

Way to go, Derek! You look great out there.

Unknown said...

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